Rick Kretschmer's License Plate Archives
Rick's Clicks
Recommended links to other excellent license plate web sites
This page consists of links to other web sites related to license plates, or otherwise of interest to
license plate collectors.
Latest noteworthy updates to this page
- February 4, 2022 – Added several new links.
Verified all links. Updated link addresses when possible. Removed dead
links and links to pages that are no longer relevant or worthy.
- September 28, 2018 – Verified all links. Updated
link addresses when possible. Removed dead links and links to pages that are no longer
There are many hundreds, if not thousands, of license plate related web sites out there. Sad to say, but a
good number of them probably are of little interest to anyone but possibly their owners. Some haven't been
updated in years and have become badly out of date. Because of this, links pages that attempt to catalog
every single plate web site frustrate me, as do the many links pages that link to ten or twenty other sites merely
on the basis of reciprocity, or some other arbitrary criteria, rather than the quality or usefulness of each
Because of this, I decided to create a really helpful license plate links page, one that (well, for the most part)
only lists the really great sites, the kind you will want to use as reference sites and visit repeatedly.
Even these are categorized according to the specific plates that may be found on each site, so that you can
readily find the sites that have what you're looking for. I've included links to the relevant sections of
my own site, in case you came to this page directly and didn't see the site menu on my home page.
Even being listed in one of the the "recommened" sections of this page means that the site is among the best out
there. Links with a
blue ribbon symbol next to them are
Top Pick Clicks! They are especially recommended for their excellent
content and presentation. These sites are the best of the best.
Note that the
"Updated!" notation doesn't
necessarily mean that the linked site has been updated; rather, it means that the link itself has been updated
with a new web address; in other words, the site has moved to a new address, and the link reflects that.
Many license plate collectors specialize in plates from one or two U.S. states, countries, or other issuing
jurisdictions. These sites are among the best in their coverage of a specific jurisdiction.
United States
Dave Nicholson provides a wealth of information and pictures of U.S. passenger car plates from 1969 to
License Plate Information
No photos, but tons of obscure details about all types and ages of U.S. license plates that you won't find anywhere
else, by ALPCA Archivist Eric Tanner.
- The Plate Shack
Extensive site with thousands of pictures, run by Marc Welby and Mike Sells.
- Arizona License Plates
Lots of good photos of most years and types of Arizona license plates, presented by Gary Fox.
- TheDelaware3000.org
Plate spotter Jordan Irazabal has an impressive photo collection of the lowest-numbered Delaware plates in use.
District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.)
A professional-quality site that chronicles the history of license plates in the U.S. capital city.
- Andrew Pang's License Plate Home Page
Pics of current D.C. plates in actual use, an Inaugural plate run, and 1907-1918 D.C. plates.
- Erik's Photos
Erik has an impressive collection of D.C. plates, even if they're in a photo album format.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New Mexico License Plates
Bill Johnston and Richard Miller present a detailed pictoral history of plates from the Land of
North Carolina
- The Bolthole
Nick DiFonzo devotes much of his site to the history of Texas license plates.
- License Plate Info .com
This is the old "Remlap" site. Jim Palmer has good info about determining the age of 1975-present Texas plates.
Washington (state)
Washington, D.C.
- See District of Columbia, above.
West Virginia
Dave Nicholson provides information and pictures of Canadian passenger car plates from 1969 to present.
British Columbia
An award-winning history of British Columbia license plates, by Christopher Garrish.
Jeff's License Plates
Jeff shows his extensive collection of B.C. plates as well as plates from other provinces and countries.
Northwest Territories and Nunavut
The Back Bumper
Jonathan Upton presents photos and history of Ontario license plates.
Eric's License Plates
Eric Vettoretti has a lot of photos of his Ontario license plate collection.
- Paul's License Plates
Paul focuses on plates from the province of Saskatchewan. Plates from 1912 to 1959 are pictured.
(Be sure to also see the Worldwide plate sites, above.)
- Dutch Numberplate Archives
Plates from around the world, with especially good coverage of Europe, by Herman Hallo.
- Plates in Rome
Michele Berionne covers Italy and also the tiny nations located within Italy, such as Vatican City and San
Ralf's Plate Page
Ralf Hegewald presents the history of German plates, including both East and West German plates prior to
Jim Moini's License Plates
Jim provides extensive coverage of Mexican plates from the 1920s to the present.
Dave Nicholson provides information and pictures of Mexican passenger car plates from 1969 to present.
These sites, for the most part, address specific categories of U.S. and/or Canadian license plates.
Commercial vehicle plates
- Jim Moini's License Plates
Jim devotes a corner of his site to apportioned plates and a few other types of truck, bus, and trailer
Law enforcement-related license plates
An awesome site by Norm Ratcliffe and Allan "Coop" Cooper covering state police license plates.
Pre-state and porcelain license plates
Sample license plates
Year 1976 license plates
- 76 License Plates
Mike Sells displays his huge collection of all types of U.S and Canadian plates from 1976.
These are sites of general interest, or that provide useful resources for license plate collectors.
License plate collecting organizations (based in North America)
ALPCA is the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association, far and away the largest license plate collectors'
organization in the world. This site contains a very comprehensive license plate archive section
(available to members only), but there are also useful pages accessible to the general public.
Several ALPCA regions also have their own web sites:
- Michigan License Plate Collectors Association
(This group is not affiliated with ALPCA.)
- Wyoming License Plate Society
(This group is not affiliated with ALPCA.)
License plate collecting meets and other events
Independent plate collecting online discussion groups
Facebook License Plate Collectors group
Probably the biggest license plate discussion group on the entire internet. Numerous messages posted
daily. (There are also MANY other license plate-related groups on Facebook.)
- Plateshed
This plate collector's forum has a little bit of everything – discussion boards, photo galleries, you name
it. Heavily oriented towards Australian plates.
License plate collecting supplies
Digital license plate images
- ACME License Maker
This is a fun site where you can make and save license plate images with whatever plate numbers you
- License Plates Plus
Professional-quality, high-resolution blank license plate images for sale.
Other plate collecting resources
- The High Road
A site that tracks the highest-seen plate numbers from all U.S. and Canadian jursidictions.
- Old License Plates
This site provides a free service to help you find license plates listed on eBay in obscure or completely
wrong categories.
Many individual collectors offer plates for trade or sale on their web sites, and there are lots of great plates
to be found on these sites. Of course, I would prefer that you visit and find plates on my own site before
looking elsewhere.
Online auction sites
Online license plate stores (arranged alphabetically)
Non-store web sites offering extensive or specialized inventories of plates for sale (arranged alphabetically)
Antique car shows known for having numerous license plate vendors
- Hershey Region AACA Fall Meet
The mother of all antique car shows, held annually each October in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
- Charlotte Auto Fair Held twice a year in
April and September, at the Lowe's Motor Speedway NASCAR track in Concord, North Carolina.
I periodically am asked for recommendations for where to get an old license plate professionally restored and/or
repainted. I've only dealt with getting a plate repainted on one occasion, which hardly qualifies me as an
authority. However, I can at least point you to a few I know about and let you choose.
- Finish Your Plates
Brian Mabry repaints all types of metal plates, and also does some light restoration.
- Jim's CA License Plates
Jim restores and repaints plates from any state, and sells restored/repainted California YOM plates and other
- The Old License Farm
Bjorn and Nancy Larsen specialize in restoring and repainting Washington plates, but also do other
- Oregon License Plates
Don and Tamara Brown deal only with old Oregon plates. I'm not sure if they actually restore, or just
- License Plate Restorers
Here is a list of some additional plate restorers and repainters who do not have web sites.
Since I own the RicksPlates.com web address, I suppose the least I can do for the other
license plate collectors also named Rick is to provide links to their plate sites.
Rick and Ann's homepage
This Rick lives in Belgium and displays his worldwide plate collection, and plates for trade, on his
There are some good plate sites out there that might not otherwise get much attention or traffic. So, as a public
service to my fellow plate collectors, below are some license plate web sites that I've discovered, or been made aware of,
that are a bit off the beaten path. I've set the standards for quality of content and presentation a bit lower for
these links than the other links on this page, but these are all worthwhile places to visit, in my opinion.
Here are some links to sites that aren't license plate related, yet I thought they might be of interest to plate
collectors or people in general.
- ACME Label Maker
This is a great place to easily make and save .gif text files in a variety of fonts and colors. I used this
site to make the RicksPlates.com graphic at the top of the page.
- The Extra Miler Club
This is a group of people with the common goal of visiting every county in the U.S. Many members of this
club are also ALPCA members.
- SignMaker Central
A fun site where you can make your own highway sign images. They're a little tricky to save,
- Why do you think they call them counties?
A site where you can track all of the U.S. counties you have visited. There are over 3,100 counties and
county equivalents in the U.S.; how many have you been to?
I welcome suggestions for new web site links to be added to this page, either for your own site or someone else's site
that you particularly like. There are a few of categories of links on this page, and any links that are added must
qualify for one of the categories listed below.
- Worthwhile, but obscure license plate sites that aren't listed on many links pages and don't rank very
high on search engine results. If you've got a license plate related web site that's brand new or otherwise not
well-known, or if you stumble across a good plate site that I don't already know about, I'll consider including a link to
that site on this page. For this link category only, the site doesn't have to be world class, but if it bombards
visitors with numerous pop-up ads, has a lot of broken links, or other similar aggravations, I'm not going to link
to it.
- License plate sites by other guys named Rick. After all, this is
In the remaining categories, I'm just not going to add every link that comes along. Only the best sites will
make the cut and be listed on this page. If you want to put a link to my site on your links page, you're more
than welcome to, but doing so will not give your site preferential treatment to be included here. I'm sorry if
this adversely affects you, but this policy is necessary to keep this links page manageable and useful.
- Web sites that contain detailed information about, and/or lots of high quality pictures of, license plates
from a specific locale or of a specific type. These sites must be of such a quality that you and other collectors
would use them as a reference again and again. If your site just shows pictures of your collection of random
plates, I'm most likely not going to list it here. I also don't want any sites that are primarily offering to sell,
trade, or buy plates in this category. Also, sites that generate pop-up ads or have other annoying quirks need not
- Web sites whose primary purpose is to offer license plates for sale or trade to collectors. These
sites must have quality photos and either extensive inventories – numerous plates available from nearly every state
– or must specialize in some hard-to-find plate category. Most individual collectors' sites won't
qualify. Sites with plate prices geared toward one-time YOM buyers (that is, outrageous) will not be
- Other general sites of interest to license plate collectors. These must be worthwhile sites that have some
type of information that would be interesting or useful to most collectors.
To submit a suggestion for a new link, or to report a broken link or a new address for an existing site, please
send me an e-mail with the pertinent information. Be sure to include the
current URL (the web site address) of the site you are suggesting or correcting.
This section deserves some explanation, considering that this entire page consists of links to related sites.
Listed below are links to other links pages, which have links to still more license plate related sites.
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